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Find More Hours in Your Day

  • 23-Jun-2017
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave., Rochester 14618


  • No Charge

Registration is closed
Find More Hours in Your Day

Presenter: Christine Baker Marriage

Capturing quality time so that you can create more opportunities with your clients, family/friends and yourself. We often wish we had more hours in the day and I am going to teach you how to find them.

Three key learnings the audience will take away from this program:

  1.  The 4 key areas in work and in life that are the biggest time wasters.
  2.  Strategies on how to conquer those areas.
  3.  A foolproof plan how to prioritize our time, energy and goals moving forward.


Christine Baker MarriageChristine Baker Marriage is no stranger to chaos or time management. With two businesses and five children, learning how to maximize her time, talent and energy was a must.

Christine is the current owner of ROC City Wellness, an integrative wellness center located in Rochester in the suburb of Penfield. She also blogs about work/life balance strategies and works with clients to maximize their time, talents and treasure! Her clients and friends nicknamed her "The Time Strategist" because she is in constant pursuit on ways to cram as many worthwhile, life-giving opportunities into this short life.

She is thrilled to have the opportunity to speak to this wonderful group!

Refreshments will be available.

Coffee Sponsorships available. Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

This week David Powe of AIOPX Management Consulting is our coffee sponsor.

Here's a map to Brighton Town Hall.



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